Trigger automation only between certain hours


Is it possible to tell to trigger an action only between certain hours of the day?

For example:

  • alias: Set AC to 76
    platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.door_sensor
    from: “on”
    to: “off”
    range_time: from(09:00) to (19:00)

Note that “range_time” is something I made up for the example.

Thanks !!!

You can use condition(s), before or after ‘action:’

condition: time
after: ‘09:00:00’
before: ‘19:00:00’

And second section on page below:


So how do you make the range cross over midnight like 20:00:00 to 6:00:00. I see commands like before: and after: but I think either I’m confused or Hassio is confused as to what that means.
What I really want to do is determine if my garage door is open for more than 10 minutes during the night, notify me and also close it. I have the notify and close working, just the trigger and conditions don’t seem to work as expected. Running hassio 88.1.

Listed under the time condition in the docs.


“Time condition windows can span across the midnight threshold. In the example above, the condition window is from 3pm to 2am.”

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Thanks Petro
When I originally did this, it never triggered and I thought I was doing something wrong. Since the automation appears to be working with only the ‘after’:

condition: and
- condition: time
  after: '21:00:00'
- condition: state
  entity_id: switch.garage_door
  state: 'on'

I’ll put in the ‘before’ again and try it. Maybe it was something else that didn’t work in the automation. Automations are hard to debug - it would be nice to be able to step through them and watch the conditions get met or not. Even a automation log to see what happened after the fact would be great. The only problem I see is that it would have to trigger to get the log entry.
