Trigger automation to every change in value

I have read that to have an automation to be triggered at every value change you need to configure it without an above or below value

but if I do so I cannot save it!
I get the error

Message malformed: must contain at least one of below, above.

How can I avoid that?

I have a condition after to check the correct values

You should be using state not device.


Also when u use any state change keep in mind what u want the automation todo when it triggers.
Should the automation restart or run another parallel? Default is single and you’ll get an error when it triest to trigger the automation and the automation is still running

ok thank you. In this case I need to switch on/switch off a plug based on the heating status… if on or not.
So I think single is correct?
did I understood that correctly?

Single will be fine for that. You can always drop in to the yaml and add

max_exceeded: silent

If you find in the log that there are messages complaining that it is already running.

Also be aware that if this is a climate entity we are talking about, then the actual heating status is in the attribute hvac_action and NOT in the state of the climate device - which is actually just the mode it is set to.