Trigger automation when Hassio addon starts/ stops


Is there a way to trigger an automation when a Hassio addon stops or starts?

I was looking for a way to check the status of installed/ running Hassio addons but couldn’t find any info or examples.


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Found an answer on the Discord channel.

You can use the Homeassistant Rest API to check the status of a running addon.



Then you can simply extract the state attribute value from the result.

Hope this helps someone.

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@Kanishkaz were you able to get this into a sensor on the front end? If so can you share your config?

I ended up moving NodeRed into a separate docker container outside of Hassio, so I’m not using the sensor anymore.

But, this is what I had in my config at the time:

- platform: command_line
  name: Node-Red Status
  command: !secret node_sensor
  value_template: '{{ }}'

Unfortunately, I don’t have a copy of the secret. But I believe it’s just the following url with my credentials.


You should be able to get the slug name by running the command “hassio su info” in ssh.

Hope that helps.

Hey there, does this method still work? I can’t get it to work… :frowning:

edit: nevermind, got it to work. If anyone reading this in the future is still interested, i can clean up my config files an share them :slight_smile:

Could you share your config ?
I don’t get it to work.
THX :wink:


Unfortunately I don’t use this automation anymore, so I don’t have it in my config.

But I think you can find the slug name by using the following command in the terminal:

ha addons

You can still use the REST API call I have included in my previous example. You just need to make sure you also pass in an Authorization header with a token.

Here’s another example I found from a different user.

I’ll try this

For anyone stumbling across this like me:
Nowadays there is a binary sensor which can tell you if an addon is running. You just have to enable it.
Go to Settings > Devices > Addon in question > Sensors > Running > Advanced Options > Enable.

Using the not_running trigger you can trigger on an addon stopping.

Feature was added here:


I’m new to Home Assistant and came across this thread when trying to find a trigger for an addon stopping. I didn’t the find feature to enable the binary sensor for that purpose. There is only a watchdog feature but no sensor that comes with it.

I also didn’t find this:

Has this feature been taken out of Home Assistant again or am I just not seeing where I can enable it? Under “entities” there is only a sensor for an addon update.

Hey, instructions above a bit unclear

Go to Settings > Devices & services > Devices > filter devices by supervisor, enter “addon device” from supervisor > enable running sensor


Thanks a lot! I was struggling to find this feature.

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Just seen this. Thanks for taking the time to document this.

Sadly this no longer works, at least for ESPHome.

The esphome_running entity remains in the running state even when stopping the addon, never mind when restarting it :frowning:

I can confirm your observations, I have sensor.piper_running, after a reboot the piper add-on is clearly running in the add-on but the sensor shows it is not running until I send TTS to piper, after which it shows as running.

Reported issue here: