Trigger-based template binary sensors in UI? Window alarm sensor

I have this my config.yaml … is there a way to set up this template binary sensor helper from the UI??

RF window sensor (KERUI D025), it listens to RFbridge (flashed with esphome). Based on the event (open/close…different code each), it changes the status of the binary sensor.

  - trigger:
      - platform: event
        event_type: esphome.rf_code_received
          device_id: c893ffef7e1816adeb244f4e138f7840
          #sync: "17048"
          #low: "614"
          #high: "1858"
          code: "5425310"
        id: "on"
      - platform: event
        event_type: esphome.rf_code_received
          device_id: c893ffef7e1816adeb244f4e138f7840
          #sync: "18904"
          #low: "616"
          #high: "1856"
          code: "5425303"
        id: "off"
      - name: Office window
        device_class: window
        state: "{{ }}"```

I was going to ask the same question.
More and more parts are moving to the UI, but when adding new template helper we see this:

(2024.10.2) so I think we must wait

The Template Helper does not support “advanced” features like triggers, availability, actions, or conditions. As far as what has been discussed on github, there seems to be no plan to add those features to the Helpers since one of the main goals for Helpers is to keep their configuration as simple as possible.

Bit of a shame when there are other features that only exist via the UI (specifically what comes to mind is adding a template sensor to a device as a sub-entity). Because it’s a venn-diagram and not concentric circles we end up with two tools with separate use cases and utility, and not a simple tool that has a subset of features and a more complex tool that has all features.