Trigger discovery

I have a Heos speaker which is usually not powered on (as I used it very seldom). Unfortunately, when I restart HA when the speaker doesn’t have power connected the device is not discovered and also when powering it on it doesn’t show up, so I can’t control it using HA. A restart of HA is needed to rediscover then the device and being able to control it again.
Is there any way to trigger the discovery manually, so that I can avoid the restart of HA and still be able to power off the device when not needed?

Go to Settings → Devices & Services. Is there a card there for the Heos integration?

If so click the three vertical dot icon in the card and see if there is a “Reload” option.

Yes there it is, is there any way to do it programatically. So the power off is done via a wifi switch, which could trigger that.

That’s not what you asked for.

Thanks for clarifing that I didn’t ask that in my initial post, you are right. But I ask for it now.

Shall I create a new thread for this question or is it ok to have a normal bidirectional communication here?

Yes you can, see: