Trigger home assistant scripts from google assistant speaker


I have setup HA google assistant successfully and can see my HA switches in google home.

Now i want to trigger scripts/automations from Google assistant speakers or add to present Google Assistant routines.

As far as am aware of, scripts can only be triggered as scenes in google home but in my case, i cant really find my HA scripts there…

How can trigger my HA scripts using google voice assistant or part of its current routines

(post deleted by author)

i don’t believe scripts, by default appear. however i believe you can achieve what you want by creating a helper entity (like a toggle) and when you invoke that helper from ga, have an automation that calls the script you want.

Very easy. As a example I will give you what I have for my cleaning robot called Consuela. Prerequisite: Nabu Casa Account linked, it’s the easiest way.
First, create a SCRIPT in Home Assistant (only these are actionable via Google). In the scene assign what you would like to do. For instance, I have scene “Consuela return to dock” with action for device Consuela and command return to dock.
Once it’s done go to your HA settings and Voice Assistants and check if this particular script is exposed to Google (exposed entities).
Then go to your linked Google Home app on the phone.
Tap “Automations” and Add (choose then either triggered solely by you or anyone in the household).
Starters: “When I say to Google Assistant” and add whatever phrase/ phrases you want to use for this automation. Make sure that you won’t dumb Google as “Consuela return” may just trigger web search instead of the scene, Google becomes dumber and dumber these days. Confirm
Actions: Add Action > Adjust Home Devices. Now you will have a list and scroll to the end, you will see Scenes, add Scenes. Choose the one that you created in HA and voila, confirm. Save.
Then test.
I’ve got a few for the robot, for instance, I say “Hey Google, Ive just eaten” and my robot will clean only the kitchen and the dining area. After succesful clean, HA sends to the Google Home Consuela’s voice “We need more lemon Pledge”…

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Please don’t double post!

Scripts and only scripts appear.
I’ve given the guide here: