Trigger not recognized

I have a ‘trigger template’ that works fine when defined within the configuration.yaml file. I thought to create a template sensor using the UI template sensor integration but that is not working. When I plug the template into the Developer Tools/Template tool, it reports ‘trigger’ is undefined.

   - trigger:
      - platform: time
        at: '00:00:00'
      - platform: state

Where is the template?

I did not include that part of the code as I did not feel it would be useful. Here it is:

  - trigger:
      - platform: time
        at: '00:00:00'
      - platform: state
        entity_id: sensor.filtered_inside_temp
      - name: 'Temperature Daily Minimum'
        unique_id: 'temperature_daily_minimum'
        unit_of_measurement: '°F'
        device_class: temperature
        state: >
          {% set t_new = states('sensor.filtered_inside_temp') | float(-99) %}
          {{ [t_new, this.state | float(-99)] | min if trigger.platform != 'time' else t_new }}

Running HA 2022.7.5 on Docker

You can’t stick stuff like that in to the template editor - because that is not a template - that’s just plain YAML.

The template editor is for templates - like for ex:

         {% set w = state_attr('weather.weatherflow','forecast') %}
         {% set d1 = w[0] %}
         {% set d2 = w[1] %}
         {% set d3 = w[2] %}
         {% set d4 = w[3] %}
         {% set d5 = w[4] %}
         {% set d6 = w[5] %}

         {% if ((d1['precipitation'] < 1.5) or (d1['precipitation_probability'] < 50)) %}
           {% set rc = "Today" %}
         {% elif ((d2['precipitation'] < 1.5) or (d2['precipitation_probability'] < 50)) %}
           {% set rc = "Tomorrow" %}
         {% elif ((d3['precipitation'] < 1.5) or (d3['precipitation_probability'] < 50)) %}
           {% set rc = d3['datetime']|as_timestamp|timestamp_custom("%A") %}
         {% elif ((d4['precipitation'] < 1.5) or (d4['precipitation_probability'] < 50)) %}
           {% set rc = d4['datetime']|as_timestamp|timestamp_custom("%A") %}
         {% elif ((d5['precipitation'] < 1.5) or (d5['precipitation_probability'] < 50)) %}
           {% set rc = d5['datetime']|as_timestamp|timestamp_custom("%A") %}
         {% elif ((d6['precipitation'] < 1.5) or (d6['precipitation_probability'] < 50)) %}
           {% set rc = d6['datetime']|as_timestamp|timestamp_custom("%A") %}
         {% else %}
           {% set rc = "----" %}
         {% endif %}
         {{ rc }}

Which is my template for checking what day would be best to do the washing.

But the full YAML:

     - unique_id: 797a6a5d-5b5f-419d-b6be-0bef855080cb
       name: Activity Rain Check
       state: >-
         {% set w = state_attr('weather.weatherflow','forecast') %}
         {% set d1 = w[0] %}
         {% set d2 = w[1] %}
         {% set d3 = w[2] %}
         {% set d4 = w[3] %}
         {% set d5 = w[4] %}
         {% set d6 = w[5] %}

         {% if ((d1['precipitation'] < 1.5) or (d1['precipitation_probability'] < 50)) %}
           {% set rc = "Today" %}
         {% elif ((d2['precipitation'] < 1.5) or (d2['precipitation_probability'] < 50)) %}
           {% set rc = "Tomorrow" %}
         {% elif ((d3['precipitation'] < 1.5) or (d3['precipitation_probability'] < 50)) %}
           {% set rc = d3['datetime']|as_timestamp|timestamp_custom("%A") %}
         {% elif ((d4['precipitation'] < 1.5) or (d4['precipitation_probability'] < 50)) %}
           {% set rc = d4['datetime']|as_timestamp|timestamp_custom("%A") %}
         {% elif ((d5['precipitation'] < 1.5) or (d5['precipitation_probability'] < 50)) %}
           {% set rc = d5['datetime']|as_timestamp|timestamp_custom("%A") %}
         {% elif ((d6['precipitation'] < 1.5) or (d6['precipitation_probability'] < 50)) %}
           {% set rc = d6['datetime']|as_timestamp|timestamp_custom("%A") %}
         {% else %}
           {% set rc = "----" %}
         {% endif %}
         {{ rc }}
         precipitation: >-
           {% set w = state_attr('weather.weatherflow','forecast') %}
           {% set d1 = w[0] %}
           {% set d2 = w[1] %}
           {% set d3 = w[2] %}
           {% set d4 = w[3] %}
           {% set d5 = w[4] %}
           {% set d6 = w[5] %}

           {% if ((d1['precipitation'] < 1.5) or (d1['precipitation_probability'] < 50)) %}
             {% set rc = d1['precipitation_probability'] ~ "%: " ~ d1['precipitation'] ~ "mm" %}
           {% elif ((d2['precipitation'] < 1.5) or (d2['precipitation_probability'] < 50)) %}
             {% set rc = d2['precipitation_probability'] ~ "%: " ~ d2['precipitation'] ~ "mm" %}
           {% elif ((d3['precipitation'] < 1.5) or (d3['precipitation_probability'] < 50)) %}
             {% set rc = d3['precipitation_probability'] ~ "%: " ~ d3['precipitation'] ~ "mm" %}
           {% elif ((d4['precipitation'] < 1.5) or (d4['precipitation_probability'] < 50)) %}
             {% set rc = d4['precipitation_probability'] ~ "%: " ~ d4['precipitation'] ~ "mm" %}
           {% elif ((d5['precipitation'] < 1.5) or (d5['precipitation_probability'] < 50)) %}
             {% set rc = d5['precipitation_probability'] ~ "%: " ~ d5['precipitation'] ~ "mm" %}
           {% elif ((d6['precipitation'] < 1.5) or (d6['precipitation_probability'] < 50)) %}
             {% set rc = d6['precipitation_probability'] ~ "%: " ~ d6['precipitation'] ~ "mm" %}
           {% else %}
             {% set rc = "----" %}
           {% endif %}
           {{ rc }}
       icon: mdi:tshirt-crew-outline

cannot be pasted in the template editor, only the template part can.

Right but that doesn’t work either as the template contains the term ‘trigger’ which ‘does not compute’ either.
This exists currently as a defined template sensor in my config, which works just fine. It seems not everything on the template platform is supported.

yeah you need to do:

{% set trigger = whatever %}

trigger in automations and template sensors - only exists at the time that a trigger is fired.
in the template editor it doesn’t exist until you define it.