Trigger not working in automation bis

my trigger is not working even if condition is ok
but it is working once and only once

  • if I reboot
  • if I reload the configuration
  • if I reload the template part of the configuration
    it look like a bug for me sine the condition is ok

revision is 2024.9.2
the script is the following :

alias: AAuto thermosalon Ajustement température thermosalon
description: >-
Ajuste la température du thermostat thermosalon si consommation > 200 et
conditions remplies

  • platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.energie_togrid
    above: 200
  • condition: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.192_168_1_80
    state: “on”
  • condition: time
    after: “06:00:00”
    before: “13:00:00”
  • condition: numeric_state
    entity_id: climate.thermosalon
    attribute: current_temperature
    below: 24
  • target:
    entity_id: climate.thermosalon
    temperature: |
    {{ state_attr(‘climate.thermosalon’, ‘temperature’) | float + 0.5 }}
    action: climate.set_temperature
  • data:
    title: Température augmentée dans thermosalon
    message: >
    de AAuto thermosalon Ajustement température thermosalonLa température
    de climate.thermosalon a été augmentée de 0.5°C car la consommation
    énergétique dépasse 200 et la température actuelle était inférieure à
    action: persistent_notification.create
    mode: single

    Thanks for any help

Perhaps the trigger number once it goes above 200 doesn’t drop below 200 again until you restart HA.

It’s not a bug. The Numeric State Trigger is working exactly as it’s designed.

It triggers when the sensor’s value increases above 200. That means when it crosses the threshold value of 200.

From the documentation:

If the sensor’s value is already above 200, your Numeric State Trigger will not trigger except when you reboot/reload (because at that point the sensor’s value is changing from unknown to a value greater than 200).

Describe your requirements for the automation and we can tell you the appropriate triggers and conditions.