Trigger on and off with offset

Hello all,

I want to set one setpoint for heat demand. The setpoint need an “dead zone” so I want to add an offset for on and off. I make an automatisation but it didn’t work with the offset. If I make the automatisation with only the setpoint it works, but when I added an offset I didn’t work. What am I doing wrong?

So without the “value_template: “{{ input_number.setpoint - input_number.offset }}”” it works correct. So I think I do something wrong with the value_template.


You should always post the text of your code instead of screenshots. that way people who want to help you can just copy/edit/paste your exact details instead of typing out everything by hand.

But the main reason it’s not working is that you have the syntax wrong in the template. Should be:

value_template: "{{ states('input_number.setpoint') | float - states('input_number.offset') | float }}"

If you don’t need a dynamic offset, you might also consider using a Generic Thermostat instead of an automation. You can then set hot_tolerance and cold_tolerance to your desired values. This will create a climate entity and allow you to take advantage of Thermostat cards in the dashboard.

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