Trigger on value of either of two property keys (YAML)

I guess I have to learn this YAML stuff. I’m configuring some zwave js automations for multi-taps on switches. It seems like I shouldn’t have to have separate automations for ON and OFF, for instance, so I wondered if there’s a way to see if a switch has been tapped twice–either ON or OFF–then call the light.turn_on or light.turn_off, depending on which side was tapped?

Below is my current working ON script. Could I somehow make the script accept node 11, property_key 001 or property_key 002 having the value ‘KeyPressed2X’? Then, if it’s property_key 001 call light.turn_on, or if it’s 002 call light.turn_off?

As always, sorry if this is stuff I should have learned on Page 1.

  - platform: event
    event_type: zwave_js_value_notification
      node_id: 11
      property_key: '001'
      value: KeyPressed2x
condition: []
  - service: light.turn_on
      device_id: 0dba67f62b39dfc3ffffc249baec74e8
mode: single

You can remove the value from the trigger and check it in a template condition instead.

Thank you for the reply, but what about the property_key? I want to trigger on either property_key 001 or property_key 002 having value KeyPressed2X.

Sorry, I misread. Check the property_key in the condition, not the value. You can then also use a template in the service call to select turn_on or turn_off.

Are there any other scenes besides 001 and 002?

I think there are at least two ways to do this. You could use a template in the service call, or you can choose an action.

You can template the service call, however if there is another scene, such as 003, it will be incorrect.

  - platform: event
    event_type: zwave_js_value_notification
      node_id: 11
      value: KeyPressed2x
  - service: >
      light.{{ "turn_on" if == "001" else "turn_off" }}
      device_id: 0dba67f62b39dfc3ffffc249baec74e8
mode: single

This one should do nothing for scenes other than 1 and 2. I generated this from the UI, so the details will be different from your example.

  - platform: event
    event_type: zwave_js_value_notification
      node_id: 11
      value: KeyPressed2x
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: template
            value_template: '{{ == "001" }}'
          - type: turn_off
            device_id: 94c4de13ffdde4d4335b2c3fcc2a4d4e
            entity_id: light.dining_room
            domain: light
      - conditions:
          - condition: template
            value_template: '{{ == "002" }}'
          - type: turn_on
            device_id: 94c4de13ffdde4d4335b2c3fcc2a4d4e
            entity_id: light.dining_room
            domain: light
            brightness_pct: 50
    default: []
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Hm, I’m not sure, actually. I mean, there’s just a rocker switch with up, down, and the possibility of holding up or down for dimming. It looks like property_key is always either 001 or 002, though…

Thank you so much for your time and effort. I’ll get back to it and see if I can make progress.