Trigger state change input_number

I have a home assitant configuration including the following numbers.yaml:

  name: "Chlorine Dosing time"
  min: 0
  max: 1000
  step: 1

which are included in my configuration.yaml as this:

input_number: !include numbers.yaml

I want to use this number to log a parameter generated in a nodered flow like so.

however, this flow is running every hour.
if the function1 outputs the same value, nothing shows up in the home assistant log.
only when the value changes do i see log entries.

how can change this behavior to always log the input_number when it is written also if the value is the same?

I understand the logbook only shows state changes, so if it doesn’t change it won’t write a log entry. However, in this case you can write your own log entry:

service: logbook.log
  name: "Test Number"
  entity_id: input_number.test_number
  message: "Value didn't change"
  domain: input_number

This will appear in the logbook for the entity. You also get “triggered by service logbook.log” appended to the message.