Trigger state in node red if temp changed

hi all,

i’m trying to workout how to start a flow only if the temp changes on my thermostat. I can see easily how to trigger it if it’s below something but can you trigger it if the value has changed?

thank you

Ideally i just want to have a flow that takes the ecobee temp state

If < 15 temp = Cold
if > 24 temp = Hot

i’d like these as message payloads to go to a switch/logic so i can just work with hot and cold then if that makes sense

but i can’t workout how to set it up

it’s outputing flows as Blocked/Allowed/<15 and >24

custom message needs to be a complete object

{"payload": "Cold"}

or use the custom payload “Cold”

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thank you very much.

so i’ve set it like this

so that should output message as it states if either state is true? thank you

yes, it should.

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Look at the filter node. In RBE mode the filter node will block until the msg.payload value is different to the previous one.