Trigger Template for another Sensor Numeric value + 10?

Hi there,

I’m trying to get the syntax correct ofr a template trigger that I want. The trigger needs to fire when its value equals the value of another sensor + 10

This is what I tried but it cant pass checks, any advise or guidance please:

platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.powerwall_charge_corrected
above: "{{ states('input_number.overnight_powerwall_max_charge') | int(0) + 10 |float }}"

You could try using a Template Trigger with a value_template like this:

platform: template
value_template: >-
  {{ states('sensor.powerwall_charge_corrected') | float(0) >
  states('input_number.overnight_powerwall_max_charge') | float(0) + 10 }}
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I’m trying to use the numeric state of one input_entity to be the numeric value of another. I tried using different variations of the above syntax but nothing is passing the dictionary requirements.

Could anyone assist with some guidance please?

This is a snip from my automation:

service: number.set_value
  value: "100"
  entity_id: number.home_energy_gateway_backup_reserve

I want to replace the 100 value with this input value:


I tried things like:

states(‘input_number.overnight_powerwall_max_charge’) | float(0)


“states(‘input_number.overnight_powerwall_max_charge’) | float(0)”

states(‘input_number.overnight_powerwall_max_charge’) | int(0)