Trigger templste help - "not state"?

I want to have a sensor which passes along the state of my network status with a delay before declaring it normal, but avoid the “unknown” every time it restarts HA. It seems like adding a condition is not valid in templates?

I want a sensor which will:

  • Immediately update “Normal” → “anything but unknown”
  • Immediately update “anything but unknown” → “Normal”
  • Delay update “anything but Normal” → “Anything but Normal”
  • Never update to “unknown”

The possible states are a lot of things to describe ways that the network might have a problem. Examples:

  • Normal (all ok)
  • Cable modem down
  • Cellular modem down
  • Signals out of spec
  • DNS down
  • Packet loss
  • Router down
  • Slow speeds
  • …you get the idea.

The purpose of this sensor is an intermediate delayed update so that I don’t get spammed as it passes thru a bunch of states quickly (e.g. in a short span of like 15-20 second having packet loss → signal issue → modem down → signal issue → modem down only generates 1-2 updates of this sensor)

This works if I remove the “condition” part, but I don’t want the sensor to be updated if the state is “unknown” still initializing on restart.

  - trigger:
      # Immediately update going down
      - platform: state
          - sensor.network_state
        from: 'Normal'
      # Immediately update back to normal
      - platform: state
          - sensor.network_state
        to: 'Normal'
      # Delay update down state to reduce flapping
      - platform: state
          - sensor.network_state
        not_to: 'Normal'
        for: '00:02:30'
      - platform: homeassistant
        event: start
      condition: not
        - condition: state
          entity_id: sensor.network_state
          state: "unknown"
      - name: 'Network State Debounced'
        icon: mdi:check-network
        state: >-
          {{ states('sensor.network_state') }}

So what I want to avoid, is it then sends me this in an automation every time templates load:

Home Assistant, [10/22/22 9:15 AM]
Previous Status:
Network Status was Normal
Network Status:
at 22-Oct-2022 09:15:47

Home Assistant, [10/22/22 9:15 AM]
Previous Status:
Network Status was 
Network Status:
at 22-Oct-2022 09:15:47

Conditions can be included as aspects of the template itself, they are not currently supported as their own configuration key in template sensors. The first thing you should try though, is to set an appropriate Availability.