Trigger.to_state.last_changed in Node RED?

Is it possible to get trigger.to_state.last_changed in Node RED?

Trying to convert the folllowing YAML automation to Node RED

 - service: notify.ios_iphone
    message: 'Someone has pressed the door bell at {{now().strftime("%H:%M %d-%m-%y")}} '
        content-type: jpeg
        url: "{{ trigger.to_state.last_changed|urlencode }}.jpg"
      entity_id: camera.ip_cam_2

Yes should be possible.

I am not at my house now but it should be

If you’re new to nodered add state change node, put the entity id and add debug node to the output with complete msg object. Trigger the entity and you should see the data output. From there you can build the conditions for your automation.