Triggered sensor not working

I have had some automation running for over a year and after HA updates one stopped working. Traced it back to a triggered sensor not having any value (or rather in this case the attribute not sensor).

If I just copy/paste the attribute script to the template, it works fine. But it never is triggered any more…

All help appreciated :slight_smile:

- trigger:
    - platform: time
      at: input_datetime.carcharge_night_start
    - name: night_charge_scheduler
      unit_of_measurement: ""
      state: >-
        {{ 'NaN' }}
        charging_schedule: >
          {% set charge_time = states('input_number.CarCharge_time') | int -%}
          {% set night_start = states('input_datetime.CarCharge_Night_Start') | truncate(3, False, '.', 0) | int -%}
          {% set night_end = states('input_datetime.CarCharge_Night_End') | truncate(3, False, '.', 0) | int -%}
          {% set final_prices = namespace(values = state_attr('sensor.total_electricity_price', 'price_list')) -%}
          {% set night = namespace(values = []) -%}
          {% for price in final_prices.values -%}
            {% if (loop.index0 >= night_start) and (loop.index0 < (night_end + 24)) -%}
                {% set night.values = night.values + [{'time':loop.index0 % 24, 'price':price}] -%}
            {% endif -%}
          {% endfor -%}
          {{ ((night.values | sort(attribute='price'))[:charge_time]) | sort(attribute='time') }}

Remove that. Non numeric sensors can no longer have a unit of measurement, even a null string unit.

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Thanks mate!
This worked. Simple…
I think I would not have found that myself as I am not too familiar with this the inner guts of HA.
Really appreciated.