i am still quite new to hass. Many things are self explainning, some other not.
Hopefully somebody can help me out…
I try to trigger a “non change” event. It means i need a trigger in automation which executes something if a sensor value does not change for certain time.
I tried something like that:
platform: state
entity_id: sensor.whatever
seconds: 10
But for any resson it does not trigger if the sensor does not change its value.
The entity exist of course an it has a value. Checked it in the developer section.
What makes me wonder is the wording “as soon as a sensor change” in the automation section. That implies the oposite from what i triy to reach.
If i change the sensor value manualy, the automation triggers immediately.
I tried any other sensors with the same result.
Any help ist welcome:-)
PS: Please don´t hit me. My english is quite bad…i know.
thanks for the reply. But to be honest, i do no understand what you try to tell me.
I followed the links, but that doesnt`t gave me new infos.
Do i need the “for” or “to” variables.
To explain the background a bit more.
I use shelly blu buttons with activated beacon signal. Every 10 seconds a packet_id and the signal strengh are being send.
For “coming home” “leaving home” automations i need to check if the signals still altering. If one of the buttons leaving the home, the last known values stays unchanged until the button comes back home.
The coming home part is no problem, because the script above triggers changes of the buttons. But leaving home does not work at all. Just because i can`t trigger if the values of the buttons (packet id / strengh) are fixed.