Triggers at automation

Automations are triggered when the specific triggers are made
so for example
Numeric state = lux above 10
The a trigger is given when the lux is for the first time above 10
After that, the trigger is not set anymore .Only when it became blow 10 it will trigger again when it is above 10 again, i think

But it is also possible, give everytime a trigger when it is above 10, every 5min example?
So if lux is above 10 , all light at living room should stay off or should switch off after 5min
Otherwise i have to trigger at light 1, light 2,…, light 10

Use a time pattern trigger? That’s exactly what that’s for.

Or you could use a state trigger on the entity alone, and then check in the conditions if the light is above a certain level. You could even combine the two.

Hi there, if you want to trigger every 5 minutes and see if the sensor is above 10, please use something like below.

  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: /5
  - condition: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.asr_notify
    above: '10'

This will be triggered every 5 minutes and check if numeric state is above 10

If you want to check the state every time the sensor changes value, use the below.

  - platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.cpu_temp
  - condition: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.cpu_temp
    above: '10'

This will trigger the automation every time the state changes and check the condition.

thx for the fast help , i will check this