I’m having trouble connecting a presence sensor to my HA server. I’ve tried both a Aqara FP2 and Everything One. Neither is visible when I try to add devices. I may have two different problems but I’m not sure.
I have a IoT guest network on my ASUS router with several devices connected including two ESP devices (two AirGradient sensors, two tablets as dashboards). I’m not having trouble with these devices. Always connecting to the network and always connected to HA. I’m trying to connect these two presence sensors to the IoT network and then to HA.
The FP2 is connected to the IoT network. HA does not see it. I can see it with the Aqara app on my iPhone (which is not on the subnet but on the main home network). This device does not appear on the Apple Homekit though an Aqara Hub does (it’s wired to the main network).
The Everything One appears on HA but only for a couple of hours then disappears. It only works when connected to my main PC for configuration (I tell it to connect to the IoT network and give it the password). It seems to connect because I see it on HA. If I move it to its intended permanent location, it’s lost on HA. If I leave it connected to the PC, it will become unavailable on HA in a few hours. Cycling the power has not effect. Only reconfiguring it using the website gets it to reconnect to HA. When connecting to HA, I see it connected to my IoT network.
I’m at a loss as to figure out the problems with these two sensors. Any suggestions?