Trouble getting Raspberry Pi Zero with Squeezelite to play media from Home Assistant. Can someone help?


In an effort to try to move away from Alexa/Google Home speakers, I decided to give rolling my own a try with a Raspberry Pi Zero. I realize it’s old/slow, but this is just for me to test out as I’ve never owned a Pi before, much less setup Squeezelite.

So, right now I have LMS installed as a Docker container on my NAS and it’s accessible on port 9000. From LMS, I can select the Pi (rpizero01) from the list of devices and play music from LMS.

I’ve added the Squeezebox integration in Home Assistant and it pulls up rpizero01. So far, so good.

However, when I go to the device in HA and try to play media from my library, no sound comes out. It’s state goes from playing to idle within a few seconds.

To make things more interesting, though, when I go to Developer tools > Actions and select “Text-to-speech: Says a TTS message with cloud” and then select rpizero01 for the Entity, and then put in a message and click “Perform Action” the speaker plays the TTS message just fine.

I also try to play from Music Assistant, but after clicking the rpizero01 device and clicking “Play”, nothing happens.

Right now I don’t see any errors; however, at one point I saw a message that said something along the lines of authentication failure while trying to access a music file, but I oddly can’t find that anymore in the log files.

I don’t know what I’m missing here.

Anyone have any ideas?