good catch @ha_steve, have read over those lines dozens of times and got blind to it I guess However, when I set it to =host, no homeassistant backend shows up at all in traefik, and if I leave out the label completely, the backend shows up, but still traffic is not correctly routed to the backend. From the traefik documentation, I get none the wiser, have you got any tips?
I run with both Traefik and Home Assistant in host network mode. Here’s my docker-compose for Traefik:
version: '3'
container_name: traefik
image: traefik
restart: unless-stopped
network_mode: host
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
- /var/homeserver/traefik/traefik.toml:/traefik.toml
- /var/homeserver/traefik/acme.json:/acme.json
- /var/homeserver/traefik/.htpasswd:/.htpasswd
- CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY=<mycloudflarekey>
- TZ="America/Los_Angeles"
- PUID=1000
- GUID=999
and for home assistant, I use this (snippet from my docker-compose file):
network_mode: host
- traefik.enable=true
- traefik.frontend.headers.STSSeconds=15552000
- traefik.port=8123
- traefik.protocol=http
and the relevant parts of my traefik.toml
address = ":80"
entryPoint = "https"
address = ":443"
minVersion = "VersionTLS12"
sniStrict = true
endpoint = "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
domain = ""
watch = true
exposedByDefault = false
Thanks for sharing that, @ha_steve
I have copied over most your settings and adapted to my domain, but no luck so far. Does your frontend/backend settings in Traefik look similar to this?
I notice you run traefik in host network mode as well. Assuming you have more services defined in your docker-compose (maybe influxdb and grafana), do you run all of those in network_mode host then?
I have a total of 8 containers I run behind Traefik, HA is the only one I run in host mode (for the same reason you want to use host mode) and the rest I just forward the port to the container. I have never set up a network for them.
network_mode: "host"
and remove all traefik labels in your docker-compose file.
In Traefik.toml add a [file] section that looks like this:
url = "http://<IP OF HOST>:8123"
weight = 0
backend = "backend-homeassistant"
passHostHeader = true
rule = "Host:hass.<YOUR DOMAIN>"
Reason is that HA needs to be on the host network for discovery etc. to work.
This is how you would normally add non-dockerized services. You could also use it to add your NAS etc to Traefik.
I’ve been reading the guide for days and what is the difference, he (author) seems to have made it without host mode … maybe I’m blind (our to novice to see it)!?
Correct. When you follow the guide then discovery won’t work. You have to remove the traefik labels, add network mode “host” and edit your traefik.toml
Tx again Piotr, conclusion I’m not stupid just have tried to copy something that wont work with discovery function. A little bit funny though, been using Nginx before but your comment about traefik made me change it is easier but was frustrated when discovery didn’t work
Glad it worked out for you. Traefik is really great.
hi, wondered if you could assist…
I have various sonos speakers, but have focused on trying to send tts to a sonos beam, the difference in my setup is I have two pc’s - 1 running docker with traefik & the other running home assistant - both on the same network and using the traefik backend to send data.
the sonos never “speaks” the tts, after much testing I can only assume its something to do with the traefik setup - but I have the traefik.toml backend setup as you described…only difference being there is no docker-compose entry as it runs on a different pc which runs hassio docker on ubuntu server.
I use letsencrypt and have a registered domain, everything else works great inc the IOS app using these details.
I thought maybe there was a particular encryption type I needed to add to traefik for it to work with sonos…but am at a loss.
Any help very much appreciated
have this in docker-compose:
name : traefik_proxy
driver: bridge
and the same [backends] as quoted with my details.
Is your HA running in a Docker container ?
its hassio so yes uses docker…but not the same docker as traefik due to them being on separate PC’s
@piotr could you please help me?? I think you might be the only one able to help me
Thanks man, I’m trying to solve this problem but I can’t
What exact problem are you trying to solve ? I have configure HA as a non-docker service in Traefik.toml (I’m on Traefik 1.7, 2.0 is a whole different story)
I have 1.7 as well and I’m trying to setup HA to use Traefik but I really can’t figured out how to do it properly
In your traefik.toml configure your HA as a non container service. No need for labels in your HA docker-compose file.
# non-container services
url = "http://<ip of the docker machine>:port_number"
weight = 0
backend = "backend-homeassistant"
passHostHeader = true
rule = ""
How do I find my HA docker IP? I thought was the LAN one, but that not might be the case and I also Setup my HA docker to use network_mode: host so that might help! Thanks
IP of the machine that is running docker.