Trouble Installing Coral Drivers

Just want to make sure I understand.

Are you running this on the Home Assistant OS or on Home Assistant supervised on Debian?

I’m running it on HAOS

It seems I’m running the exact same setup as you. But everytime I try to start Frigate is it turns back off immediately.

Are you able to share your frigate.yml?


Check your logs to see whether the TPU is picked up. BTW I’m running the full access addon. That was one recommendation on here I tried. Not sure it’s needed but I never rolled it back after I got it to work.

I have this set the same. How are you configuring the mqtt broker and ffmpeg

My Frigate configuration is the same just isn’t working with this

It is not the yaml. Check your frigate log to see if the TPU is detected. Or comment out the detector part of your yaml and see if frigate will start. If so, the corral isn’t installed correctly.
If still not starting, you need to fix your frigate install first.

I found the issue. It was the ribbon cable.

I was using a flimsy Geekworm cable because I needed the length. But now I realize you need a good quality ribbon like Pineboards.

I thought it was my configuration because I’m using the HatBrick Commander to split into a HatAI And a HatDrive Bottom.

I already 3d Printed a case for my current setup so now it looks like I have to order the ones from Pineboards and their shipping prices are very high.

I’m going to order some ribbon cables from 52pi that says they are PCIe Gen 3. Hopefully they work.

Thanks for your help!

Good to hear you got it to work, the flat cable needs to be high quality indeed. I’m running the Hat AI! bottom board, combining TPU with NVME drive and booting HAOS of the NVME drive now. Didn’t find a nice case though and I don’t really like that pineboards case. I guess I have to craft something myself.

Hello @moosie, I have same installation (RP5/HASSOS last version) but with Pineboard Dual TPU. But I cannot achieve Frigate to start without stopping few seconds after.

I am not able to find and change config.txt. Could you explain that step please?

config.txt is not directly accessible from HAOS. A forum search will get you more details. I used the VI editor in CLI to access and edit it.

I tried the same using, I am using the Hat mPCIe Coral Edge TPU Bundle for Raspberry Pi 5, connected via the 22222 ssh, editing the config.txt under /mnt/boot/config, reboot … Nothing… Still cannot find the TPU device. I also noticed that the PowerLED is not on, should that be the case, or is it off because the pcie is still not working?

I might need to install and update some drivers, but hassos doesnt provide a package manager for it …