Trouble installing Z-Wave JS

Greetings Everyone! I’m in the process of adding the Nortek Security & Control USB device to my new HA install. No matter how I attempt to add the Z-Wave JS integration, the result is:

Failed to set Z-Wave configuration.

I can configure the depreciated Z-wave integration and have no trouble with the Zigbee Home Automation integration.

I’m running the HA OS install on a Raspberry PI 4 w/8gb RAM and a 128GB SD. Any ideas?

Thanks much!


You need to make sure that nothing else is competing for access to the dongle (like the deprecated Z-Wave integration), so remove everything that might. Second, check the Home Assistant and zwave_js addon logs to see if there’s anything obvious there. Third, you may have more luck in the #zwave channel on Discord:


Awesome Rob. I’ll take a look.


Also, try a different port. I don’t remember if it affects both Zwave and Zigbee but for me putting the device in a usb 3.0 port made my zha network not work. Although if I remember correctly I feel like the z-wave was still working… but worth a shot

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That shouldn’t be a problem with the Nortek dongle (as opposed to the Aeotec Gen5 dongle, which does suffer from that), but it would hurt to try.

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Just an FYI, this seems to have fixed itself. I upgraded my Pi 4 to an SSD and the Z Wave JS supervisor service showed up on the first boot. I then was able to disable Z Wave and install the JS integration without incident. Not really sure what happened. I had done several restarts prior to reporting my issue. The subsequent application of the 4.4 update and .18 JS update went without incident.

Thanks everyone for the help! :slight_smile: