Hi all.
I’m trying to use the AdGuard addon for Hassio:
[hassio-addons] This add-on is provided by the Home Assistant Community Add-ons project.
[GitHub Release] [GitLab CI] [Project Stage] [Project Maintenance]
[Supports armhf Architecture] [Supports armv7 Architecture] [Supports aarch64 Architecture] [Supports amd64 Architecture] [Supports i386 Architecture]
Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server.
AdGuard Home is a network-wide ad-and-tracker blocking DNS server with parental control (adult content blocking) capa…
Right now I’m struggling to set a static external DNS for my HASSIO machine.
I have host SSH access via port 22222 and I went to login, got the # prompt . I echo’d out:
echo '{"dns": ["", ""]}' > /etc/docker/daemon.json
On enter, I just got another #. When I restarted HA with AdGaurd set to start on boot, I’m still unable to connect to external services - DarkSky, Ecobee, Skybell, etc.
When I start HA without AdGuard running on boot, the external components work.
Any ideas about what I’m missing or what else I can do to set a static external DNS for my HASSIO machine?
(Nick Rout)
May 27, 2019, 8:25am
Did you check what daemon.json now says?
I was successful in doing it with a different method.
So, to add to my previous Linux Perils:
I adventured into VLANs. I have now a complete Unifi Setup and segregated my IoT devices, my Voice devices (Google Home, Alexa), my general internet and management network.
However, this brought me some new issues, as Hassio was not able to listen on the Multicast L2 that is required for a lot of component. i.e. the Xiaomi Air Purifier was simply not possible to connect. It even flooded my Network so that the Hue integration stopped working completely.
You can try it and just add the DNS to an existing connection instead of the VLAN.