Trouble setting up Filter

I have a sensor that sums the ‘heating’ values of 11 Tado thermostats. This sensor works as expected.

I wanted to build a derivative sensor from this sensor but found that it is too jumpy. So now I am looking at filters of the ‘total’ sensor. I am not getting the behaviour I expect.

This is how I define the filters.

- platform: filter
  unique_id: tado_moving_average
  name: Tado Moving Average
  entity_id: sensor.total_tado_heating
  - filter: time_simple_moving_average
    window_size: "00:01"
    precision: 2

- platform: filter
  unique_id: tado_outlier
  name: Tado Outlier
  entity_id: sensor.total_tado_heating
  - filter: outlier
    window_size: 4
    radius: 2.0

- platform: filter
  unique_id: tado_low_pass
  name: Tado Low Pass
  entity_id: sensor.total_tado_heating
  - filter: lowpass
    time_constant: 10

Why does the moving average only change to the previous total at the next step value change in the total?

Any thoughts on how to set these filters correctly to get a filtered value similar to the Sensor card?

These are the detailed values