Trouble setting up Zoneminder

I am struggling with adding the Zoneminder integration. I’m not sure if it’s a Zoneminder setting or something in the yaml. I’m new to Zoneminder but I’ve got all of my cameras setup. I keep getting a Connection reset by peer error in HA. I do always get cert warnings when I visit Zoneminder on my desktop, but all I’ve got is:

  - host: IP:8443
    verify_ssl: false
    username: !secret zm_usr
    password: !secret zm_pswd

Also not sure if it makes a difference but I have both HA and Zoneminder running on my Unraid server. HA is in a VM and Zoneminder is in a docker.

It’s likely ZM’s API is not setup correctly.

Here is a guide from zmNinja (it relays heavily on ZM’s API) that should help some.

More help on ZM’s forums ( on setting up the API.

Sorry I cant be more helpful. It’s been a while since setting up ZM and the API. I can remember it took a bit of time & reading to solve.