Trouble shuffling video playlist on Nest Hub Max

Goal: Play a YouTube video playlist shuffled on my Nest Hub Max.

I currently am using media_player.play_media to cast the playlist and that’s working (see below) . However I can’t figure out how to shuffle it. The media_player.shuffle_set can’t seem to run on the same entity (Entity media_player.kitchen_display does not support this service.). The entity is set up via the Google Cast integration.

As an aside, I also have Music Assistant set up and it has a duplicative entity for the same device via it’s integration which I think is working-as-intended but not sure if that’s contributing to this mess. That entity does seem to support shuffle but not casting video. Music Assistant also only supports YouTube Music but not vanilla YouTube.

Anyone have any clues on what I’m doing wrong? Thanks!

service: media_player.play_media
    metadata: {}
      media_content_type: cast
      media_content_id: " { \"app_name\": \"youtube\", \"media_id\": \"dtqI1LkI268\", \"playlist_id\": \"PLsBeRZEHxm2MDr7i8yerSmepd6QcOHO9J\" }"
      entity_id: media_player.kitchen_display