Trouble switching modes evohome


i’m trying to switch modes from the frontend, just to get a better knowledge off how things work,but i can’t get it working

this is a custom button card to switch off the heating:

color_type: card
entity: climate.thuis_2
    - height: 120px
    - width: 120px
name: Contacten
show_last_changed: false
show_state: true
show_name: false
    - service: evohome.set_system_mode
        entity_id: climate.thuis_2
        mode: HeatingOff
type: 'custom:button-card'

When trying the same thing with the service tool from development, the heating is turning off and switching modes is working.
Why isn’t it working from lovelace.


entity_id doesn’t look like a normal input to service data when looking at the documents.

Why are you specifying it in lovelace but not in the dev tool?

Though, it doesn’t make sense…how would it know which evohome to set? Or does it just set all of them to the mode?

I guess, try without setting entity_id?

When looking at the documentation of evohome to me it looks like this is the way.

And i tryed it without entity_id but that didn’t worked also.

Oh, I see what it is.

you need to specify ‘call-service’ as the action.

  action: call-service
  service: evohome.set_system_mode
     entity_id: climate.thuis_2
     mode: HeatingOff

It’s not the same syntax as the yaml calls.