Trouble with Facebox, ESP-Cam and Home Assistant

Hi all, thanks in advance for the help!
I’m currently trying to get face recognition working via Facebox.
I have HA installed, along with Facebox and ESPHome, all as docker containers.

I’ve got myself an ESP32-CAM which i’ve setup in ESPHome, and it appears in Home Assistant.
It’s state is always “Idle” but it does show a very low frame-rate stream as expected when I click on the “More Info” button from “Developer Tools”.

I’ve got Facebox up-and-running, and taught it my face…
And i’ve added the entry for it in my configuration.yaml:

  - platform: facebox
    port: 8080
      - entity_id: camera.test_cam
        name: test_cam

In node-red (for convenience) I have a flow which calls the image_processing.scan service, with the entity_id of camera.test_cam.

Upon running the flow I get Unable to find referenced entities camera.test_cam from helpers/ in the logs.

I’ve updated HA, ESPHome and Facebox so they are all using the latest docker images.

Anyone have any ideas/thoughts on what could be going wrong?