I am trying to make some groups to use in automation’s and they are not showing up (as states,entitiesor devices) after multiple reboots. I can’t find them for use in node red either. Any help appreciated.
here is my groups.yaml I have a green checkmark so no errors.
Okay file now looks like, rebooted and still can’t find them. thanks for the suggestion open to trying anything else. if you need anything else to help figure this out just ask.
Solved as usual a pebkac(problem exists between keyboard and chair) error I missed the t on entities and because it is in the group folder you don’t ned the group: designation at the beginning of the file.
That’s true but according to the sample you shared in your first post, the first line did not contain group: (it was something else that was equally invalid). Had it been visible in the first post, someone would have mentioned it was invalid.
For future reference, when you split the configuration, whether for the domain group, automation, sensor, etc. the first line never contains the domain’s name.
Whatever example you used containing default_view is outdated (by over a year). Home Assistant evolves rapidly and any example over a year old (arguably over 3 months old) should be double-checked because it may no longer be valid.