Trouble with setting up remote access

I have been following the instructions here:

and ran into 2 issues that I’m not sure how to overcome. In the section to obtain a TLS/SSL certificate they instruct you to add homeassistant to the sudoers list and then run sudo -u homeassistant -H -s. I typically log in as the user pi and when i run that command I am no longer able to start/stop HA and it keeps asking for a password for the user homeassistant. I made the assumption that I was not supposed to run that command unless I had a different type of configuration, logged back into the pi account, and continued.

I was able to keep going but got stuck again on ls /etc/letsencrypt/live. I don’t have that directory. under /etc/letsencrypt/ I have accounts, csr, keys, renewal, and renewal-hooks.

If anyone can provide a little direction on what is happening it would be GREATLY appreciated!

Anyone have any tips on this? Other institutions I could try?

How did you install Home Assistant? Is there even a HomeAssistant user? Maybe try the command as the pi user?