Trouble with using a custom .js file as a card on a panel dashboard

I’ve copied the following .js file into my www folder:

Then I went to Settings → Dashboard → (Menu) → Resources and added “vertical-slider-cover-card.js” to this list. I’ve also tried different variation of it such as

  • /vertical-slider-cover-card.js
  • /www/vertical-slider-cover-card.js
  • local/vertical-slider-cover-card.js

But no matter what I do, I can’t get the card to show on the dash board. All I get is an error where the card would be which says, “Custom element doesn’t exist: vertical-slider-cover-card”

I’m searched and searched and can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong. Can someone point me in the right direction?

Why not install via HACS instead?

It’s less about the best to install it. I’m trying to get anything to work. Like the light slider at this link:

I drop the .js file in my www folder but it doesn’t show up anywhere. I dropped it in www/switch but it doesn’t work there either. That’s why I added so many different variations in resources.

I figured it out. It was the indenting.

Instead of this:

- type: "custom:custom-smart-home-panel-card"
  title: Test
  icon: mdi:floor-lamp
  showButton: "show"
  buttonText: "Test"
  buttonPath: "/lovelace/0"
  background: "#1c1d1f"
    - entity: light.beganegrond
    - entity: light.voordeurlicht

It has to be like this:

type: "custom:custom-smart-home-panel-card"
title: Test
icon: mdi:floor-lamp
showButton: "show"
buttonText: "Test"
buttonPath: "/lovelace/0"
background: "#1c1d1f"
  - entity: light.beganegrond
  - entity: light.voordeurlicht