Troubles with ESPHome

I have no idea what is going on and need some help. Any thoughts and any pointers would be very much appreciated.

I have four Kauf BR30 bulbs (BLF10 Smart Bulb – Kaufman Home Automation).

I am having adding them to ESPHome and Home Assistant.

The bulbs IP addresses are set vis DHCP running on my firewall, pfSense, as follows:

MAC address IP address DHCP Hostname
c8:c9:a3:b6:34:ce kauf-spotlight-one
c8:c9:a3:b7:06:ce kauf-spotlight-two
c8:c9:a3:b7:07:0b kauf-spotlight-three
c8:c9:a3:b6:35:a9 kauf-spotlight-four

I have reset the bulbs by turning them off and on until I get the red light. I then joined each bulbs local wireless network and configured it with my Wi-Fi credentials.

I then browsed to each lamp via the above IP addresses to verify settings. Only one of the bulbs picked up the DHCP assigned hostnames (strange).

MAC address IP address Web GUI Reported Hostname
c8:c9:a3:b6:34:ce kauf-spotlight-one
c8:c9:a3:b7:06:ce kauf-bulb-b706ce
c8:c9:a3:b7:07:0b kauf-bulb-b7070b
c8:c9:a3:b6:35:a9 kauf-bulb-b635a9

I am not sure why 192-194 don’t have the DHCP assigned hostnames but 191 does. Not sure if that might be a helpful note.

In Home Assistant > Settings > Integrations two bulbs, kauf-bulb-b706ce and kauf-bulb-b635a9 are both “Discovered”

When I try to “Add” either bulb

It asks for an Encryption key which I don’t have.

If I, then go to ESPHome dashboard in Home Assistant

I am not sure what to do with the above

This bulb does have an encryption key in the yaml file (uGDhxwuwifcHkoPC0rwr1eyLvS13Xca7X3zYTKIN8kE=). If I try to use that with the other devices it says it is invalid: The transport encryption key is invalid. Please ensure it matches what you have in your configuration

Any thoughts, any pointers would be very much appreciated. I am sure that I am making multiple mistakes.

Thanks in advance!

Anyone? Bueller?