Troubleshooting cover position change not working

Hello, I have a TechniSat shutterswitch with embedded Z-Wave. I can close and open blinds using Home Assistant, this works fine. I can even set the position.

What is not working properly is moving from one position to another position (except if starting from position “closed”/0 or “opened”). The blinds just open fully if I do this and then I cannot change the position anymore for a while, although it seems to depends what position I try to change it to again. I need to do more testing to get a more granular picture of the issue.

Example of something not working: changing position from 40 to 60. If I attempt this, the blinds will fully open and stay open. Attempting to run the script to set position to 60 again has no effect for a while, probably because Z-Wave JS “thinks” that the position is now 60 already.

Now, my question is, how can I best troubleshoot this? I would like to be able to issue commands to:

  • check current_position reported by the cover, maybe poll at regular intervals (only for troubleshooting).
  • see Z-Wave traffic, which command is sent, what is sent back.

Once I have the exact commands and if I see it seems it’s a bug in the TechniSat implementation, I can contact them, but I need some logs before reaching out to them.

Another symptom of the issue is that the shutter switch does not report its position back somehow.

The issue is 100% reproducible this way:

  1. Open blinds
  2. Set blinds position to X% (not fully closed and not fully open)
  3. Blinds correctly goes to position X
  4. Set blinds position to Y%
  5. Blinds fully opens instead.
  6. Home assistant reports blinds position as Y going forward (I waited multiple hours, it does not change), instead of “fully open”.

Seems this was caused by setting the parameter 4 (calibration) to 1. I had calibrated the blinds once and thought value had reverted automatically back to 0 once calibration was completed, but it did not and was interfering with the position changes.