Troubleshooting/recovery help

I have HASSIO running on a RasberryPi and last week it stopped working. I cannot connect via web browser or ssh. I have backups but they are on the device. I was hoping someone could point me in the write direction to start troubleshooting.

I did not do any upgrades around the time of this issue. I’m not sure what version I am on since I can’t get into the device but the last upgrade I did was a couple months ago because I’ve been happy with the setup and wanted to keep it stable.

I have a bunch of things setup (duckdns, konnected, alarm sensors, nginx, Nest, etc configured, and they have all been working for months. It took me many hours to get it all setup so I really don’t want to start over.

You can recover your backup snapshots from the SD card directly if it is not completely corrupted. It’s a Linux partition so you will need software for this if not using a Linux pc.

In future, regularly copy your snapshots off the SD card. There are ways of automating this. Search the forum.

Thanks. Assuming the steps would be:

  1. Remove SD and copy off backups
  2. Reformat and install HASSIO
  3. Copy backups back to SD
  4. Restore backup

Outside of that is there any way to check to see what is preventing it from booting? Pull logs from the SD card?

That’s correct.

You can hook a monitor up to the Pi and check the boot messages.

Ok. I didn’t know that was possible.

I’ve never tried it but remember reading about it here.

So you can hook up a monitor to the HDMI port and watch it load each line item.

However, there was no error this time and now its working. Weird because I had power cycled it at least 4 times prior and it would not come back online. Not sure what to make of it.

Copy those snapshots off the card in case it happens again.

Thanks will do. Looks like its something with the nginx ssl setup. I can only get to it from a internal IP