Troubleshooting template warnings

I have searched all over the forum for a solution to this. I have checked every template sensor, search through all the configs, customer components and .storage files to find what is causing the error below.

Is there a way to find out exactly where this is coming from

[homeassistant.helpers.template] Template variable warning: 'dict object' has no attribute 'count' when rendering '{{ value_json.count }}

I would use, e.g. the vscode addon to to a full search on value_json.count.

I tried that with both notepad ++ find file and now vscode and the only files it finds with that is the log files. noting in .storage or any custom components

its very odd

go to your helpers. look at all your template helpers. you can find them with group by Type in the upper right. go down to the template group…

i’d suspect that one of your templates in the template helper is trying to reference value_json.count

Have you checked your MQTT sensor configurations?

To extend on didgeridrew’s suggestion, some integrations might actually pass templates via MQTT discovery mechanism.

Check tour MQTT’s discovery topics for signs of this “value_json.count”.