Troubleshooting TZE284 Temp/Humid sensor Custom quirk in ZHA


I tried to connect a TZE284 sensor as described creating a config/custom_zha_quirks folder in the homeassistant directory. I created a file named and pasted the python code as found in zha_quirks/ at dcfc3beb98008bbb40780dbcf4f38af82c117e5d · jacekk015/zha_quirks · GitHub.

Restarded home assistant and reloaded the zha integration. Only found this:

As you can see there are no sensors visable as this device should have temperature and humidity.

Also added the following lines to configuration.yaml:

#Enable ZHA Custom Quirks
custom_quirks_path: config/custom_zha_quirks/

Can you please help and and tell me what I am missing here?

Format this part of the code properly please. If there’s an indentation error no one will be able to help and your quirk will not be picked up.

Also. post that screenshot with the Zigbee Info section expanded. If your quirk is indeed picked up, then it will be listed there

@ShadowFist, I deleted ZHA and installed Mqtt where it found the sensor imidiately.

Yep, the general consensus is that Z2M integrates devices faster than ZHA because people’s submitted quirks are integrated faster.

Thank whoever figured this out before you and submitted a PR in Z2M., and thank the devs for merging it in quickly.