TRSDM Dynamic Device Tracker - Flexible Tracking with Custom Attributes

Hey Home Assistant community!

I wanted to share a custom integration I’ve been working on called TRSDM Dynamic Device Tracker. It was born out of frustration with other device tracker integrations that have “locked” attributes and limited flexibility.

Have you ever found yourself trying to squeeze data into predefined fields just to make it work? I sure have. For instance, I once had to use the “speed” parameter with values 0, 1, or 2 to represent stationary, away_from, and towards home because that was the only way to get that information into the tracker. Anything else I wanted to include in the request wouldn’t show up on the tracker at all. It was… less than ideal.

So, I created TRSDM Dynamic Device Tracker with flexibility in mind. Here’s what makes it different:

  1. Custom Attributes: Send ANY data you want in your webhook POST request, and it’ll show up as an attribute on your device tracker. No more shoehorning data into predefined fields!

  2. Simple Setup: Easy installation through HACS and a straightforward configuration process.

  3. Standard Tracking Features: Of course, it handles the basics like latitude, longitude, distance from home, and direction, in addition to cardinal direction, last updated time, and time of the previous significant location change.

  4. Unlimited Trackers: Create as many device trackers as you need, each with its own webhook URL.

  5. Easy Management: Add new trackers or remove custom attributes you no longer need, all through the Home Assistant UI.

The integration is perfect for tracking anything that can send location data via HTTPS requests. Whether you’re using a LilyGo T-SIM7600X to track your car, monitoring custom IoT devices, or just testing location-based automations, TRSDM Dynamic Device Tracker gives you the flexibility to do it your way.

You can find more details and installation instructions in the GitHub repository: Dekadinious/trsdm_custom_device_tracker_for_home_assistant

Open your Home Assistant instance and open a repository inside the Home Assistant Community Store.

I hope this integration proves useful to others who’ve faced similar frustrations. Feel free to ask questions, and I’m always open to feedback and suggestions for improvement!

Happy tracking!