Try to change theme color, when state of burner changes - works in the developer tools, but not in RL

type: entity
entity: binary_sensor.vicare_burner_active
name: Brenner
theme: >-
  {{'Fluent Green' if states('binary_sensor.vicare_burner_active') == 'off' else 'Fluent Orange' }}
state_color: true
  style: |
    ha-card {
      --h1-font-size: 25px;
      --body-font-size: 11px

tried it like that and like that:

type: entity
entity: sensor.11_schlafzimmer_temperature
name: Schlafzimmer
theme: |-
  {% if (states("sensor.11_schlafzimmer_temperature")|int < 17) -%} 
    Fluent Purple 
  {%- else -%}
    Fluent Green 
  {%- endif %}
  state_color: true
unit: °C
  style: |
    ha-card {
      --h1-font-size: 25px;
      --body-font-size: 11px

nothing works :frowning:

Does anyone have an idea? :thinking:

Home Assistant’s standard set of cards don’t support templates (the exception is the Markdown card).

Various custom cards support templates.

Ok - thank you