Try to find all entities for a domain

Currently I have the option to configure my integration via YAML and via GUI.
Now I want to add an import / convert method to convert the YAML config to a GUI config.

So I try to detect all configured sensors for my domain in

So far I have this code

    async def migrate_another_mvg_sensors_to_gui(self, hass):
        """Migrate all 'another_mvg' sensors from YAML to GUI Config Entries."""
        domain = "another_mvg"

        # Listen für YAML- und GUI-Sensoren
        yaml_sensors = []
        gui_sensors = []

        # Alle Konfigurationseinträge der Integration abrufen
        gui_entries = hass.config_entries.async_entries(domain)
        _LOGGER.warning("Gefunden GUI-Einträge: %d", len(gui_entries))

        # Alle Entitäten abrufen
        all_entities = hass.states.async_all()
        _LOGGER.warning("Gefunden Entitäten: %d", len(all_entities))

        # Durchlaufe alle Entitäten
        for entity in all_entities:
            #_LOGGER.warning("Überprüfen der Entität: %s", entity.entity_id)
            #_LOGGER.warning("Entitätsattribute: %s", entity.attributes)

            # Überprüfen, ob die Entität zur 'another_mvg'-Integration gehört
            if 'globalid' in entity.attributes or 'unique_id' in entity.attributes or 'config' in entity.attributes:
                _LOGGER.warning("Sensor zur Domain gefunden: %s", entity.entity_id)
                _LOGGER.warning("Entitätsattribute: %s", entity.attributes)
                _LOGGER.warning("Entität: %s", entity)

                # Überprüfen, ob diese Entität einen zugehörigen Config Entry hat
                unique_id = entity.attributes.get("unique_id")
                found_entry = None

                for entry in gui_entries:
                    _LOGGER.warning("GUI Entität: %s", entry)
                    if entry.unique_id == unique_id:
                        found_entry = entry

                if found_entry:
                    _LOGGER.warning("Gefundener GUI-Sensor: %s", entity.entity_id)
                    _LOGGER.warning("Gefundener YAML-Sensor: %s", entity.entity_id)

        # YAML-Sensoren in GUI-Config-Einträge umwandeln
        for sensor in yaml_sensors:
            unique_id = sensor.attributes.get("unique_id")
            config_data = {
                "globalid": sensor.attributes.get("globalid"),
                "globalid2": sensor.attributes.get("globalid2"),
                "limit": sensor.attributes.get("limit"),
                "onlyline": sensor.attributes.get("onlyline"),
                "hidedestination": sensor.attributes.get("hidedestination"),
                "onlydestination": sensor.attributes.get("onlydestination"),
                "name": sensor.attributes.get("friendly_name", "Another MVG Sensor"),
                "doublestationnumber": sensor.attributes.get("doublestationnumber"),
                "transporttypes": sensor.attributes.get("transporttypes"),
                "hidename": sensor.attributes.get("hidename"),
                "show_clock": sensor.attributes.get("show_clock"),
                "departure_format": sensor.attributes.get("departure_format"),
                "timezoneFrom": sensor.attributes.get("timezoneFrom"),
                "timezoneTo": sensor.attributes.get("timezoneTo"),
                "alert_for": sensor.attributes.get("alert_for"),

            # Config Entry erstellen
            #    title=config_data["name"],
            #    data=config_data,
            #    unique_id=unique_id
        _LOGGER.warning("Migration abgeschlossen: %d YAML-Sensoren migriert.", len(yaml_sensors))
        _LOGGER.warning("Migration abgeschlossen: %d GUI-Sensoren gefunden.", len(gui_sensors))

My idea was to check for the attribute globalid but it looks like that it not returns all attributes of the sensor. Also it looks like that you can not query hass.states.async_all() for a simble domain. So for the moment I used this
if 'globalid' in entity.attributes or 'unique_id' in entity.attributes or 'config' in entity.attributes: to see at least some results

I know the code is currently a little bit confusing ^^ but maybe someone has an better idea how to get all sensors for my domain including the YAML sensors and including all attributes

If you are trying to migrate from yaml to config flow, you do not need to migrate your entities but instead import your yaml config into a config entry data schema.

This should be done by initiating an import flow in your async_setup in and then an async_step_import function in

Here is a link to an old version of my custom integration that did this.