Trying out new categories, groups, etc - best way to assign devices, services to a server?

For whatever reason when I first set up HA, I assigned all the devices that are within my server to an area called ‘server1’. So along with “study”, “bedroom1”, “kitchen” etc, there’s “server1”.
Which is kind of naff. So with 2024.4 I’m trying out the categories, groups, tags, etc. and would like to move away from my server being an area.

I currently have devices such as radarr, sabnzbd, sonarr, UPS, etc. and some entities assigned to this ‘area’. What’s a better organisation for this? Devices still have an Area and a Label. Do I remove them from the area ‘server1’ and leave that blank?

It seems to me that the hierarchy is:

area: upstairs
	room: theatre
		device: server1
		device: server2

And there are entities, scripts, automations and helpers that may have more than a 1:1 relationship but that gets too complicated for right now.

What can people suggest is a way to map some of this using the new organisational abilities of 2024.4? I’ve set up floors and areas. I could create categories but can’t see how this would be useful for a server. Besides, there’s no way to assign multiple objects to a category all at once, and it would take hours to manually assign each entity, helper, device, automation, script, etc. to a category for no real benefit. I think.