Trying to add 2nd sonoff tasmota ethernet gateway bridge,

I have one already working with Z2M
Now i want to add 2nd instance of Z2M (using this good tutorial and work with a new device of the same type i bought
Im using latest HA and all integrations up-to date 28/7/2024
The 2nd Tasmota is accessible via web interface, i configured it correctly with TCP port listening. Its has different unique topic name

But HA Tasmota integration does not show it (its supposed to be auto-discovered?)
and i cant add manually a device to Tasmota integration - it says only a single configuration is possible
The current Tasmota integ shows 1 device (which is the one existing Tasmota bridge I have) and 9 entities (the various zigbee sensors i have)
Am i doing something wrong or misunderstand how this integ works? it cant support 2 different Tasmota gateways?

I don’t see why not. Just make sure you have an unique topic in ‘Configure MQTT’, and an unique name in ‘Configure other’
And yes, only 1 Tasmota integration. It should auto-discover your second bridge.

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i have this configuration
AFAIU the topic is compiresed of the tasmota UUID
still it wont discover

so i was able to progress
I was missing setting the mqtt user/password for the 2nd tasmota gateway
now it was detected by HA
Per my understanding, both Tasmotas talk with same MQTT server on HA, on same port 1883, correct?

But as i tried to add 2nd Z2m instance per the tutorial (different docker port, different base topic) mentioned above, it started to crash (the first Z2m instance) even before i added any zigbee device

looks like some collisions as first Z2M reports

[2024-06-30 11:43:50] error: 	zh:ezsp:uart: Port error: Error: read ECONNRESET
[2024-06-30 11:43:50] error: 	zh:ezsp:uart: --> Error: Error: {"sequence":0} after 4000ms
[2024-06-30 11:43:50] error: 	zh:ezsp:uart: -!- break waiting (0)
[2024-06-30 11:43:50] error: 	zh:ezsp:uart: Can't send DATA frame (7,5,0): 6700010500
[2024-06-30 11:43:55] error: 	zh:ezsp:uart: --> Error: Error: {"sequence":0} after 4000ms
[2024-06-30 11:43:55] error: 	zh:ezsp:uart: -!- break rewaiting (0)
[2024-06-30 11:43:55] error: 	zh:ezsp:uart: Can't resend DATA frame (7,5,1): 6700010500
[2024-06-30 11:43:55] error: 	zh:ezsp:ezsp: Watchdog heartbeat timeout Error: Failure send nop:{"type":"Buffer","data":[103,0,1,5,0]}
    at /app/node_modules/zigbee-herdsman/src/adapter/ezsp/driver/ezsp.ts:686:23
    at Queue.execute (/app/node_modules/zigbee-herdsman/src/utils/queue.ts:35:20)
    at Ezsp.watchdogHandler (/app/node_modules/zigbee-herdsman/src/adapter/ezsp/driver/ezsp.ts:795:13)

and another strange issue - when i launch z2m web UI (i mean with URL like http://homeassistant.local:8123/9336c2b0_zigbee2mqtt/ingress) for both devices, they both show the same sensors (of the first Z2M!)

which leads me to believe something collides between the devices or Z2Ms instances…

any idea?

If you have more than 1 Zigbee2MQTT instance, make sure they both use a different base_topic

Your first will probably have

  base_topic: zigbee2mqtt

so for the second use zigbee2mqtt2, or z2m, or anything that is not zigbee2mqtt

thank you for your answer
I did already as you mentioned, it is in the youtube guide
I attache the 2 instances config pictures
I note also that the data path config line (first line) is same in both, the guide did not mention to change it
also note: Even when i disabled Z2M instance 2, and kept the 2nd tasmota device running, i got errors in the original first Z2M instance log like it was interfering somehow, and i had to pull the plug form the 2nd device to make it stop

I don’t use the add-on, running Zigbee2MQTT bare metal. But it makes sense you need to change the data_path too, otherwise they overwrite each others configurations.

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ok will try that
strange the guide showed example of 3 instances with same data path

ok, that did the trick!
changed to data path to /config/zigbee2mqtt2, now have 2 instances working!
surprised it was not mentioned in the guide, but maybe things changed since it was recorded
thanks a lot!