Trying to add an image to entity-filter card

I’m trying badges for the first time and am unable to figure out how to add an image to a person entity in the entity-filter badge. Note that I’m on the most recent release with the new badges. Here’s my YAML:

type: entity-filter
  - entity: person.mike_derousse
    image: /root/homeassistant/image/3cefd1012e15824ce6c1a078cfce0f43/512x512
  - operator: '=='
    value: home

What am I doing wrong?

If your person has a picture assigned, you can try:

  - entity: person.mike_derousse
    show_entity_picture: true

I’m looking at the source code but I don’t see image as a valid option for entity badges. I wonder if the documentation was just a copy/paste error from somewhere it was supported.

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This worked. Thanks!