Trying to add/create a template sensor

I’m trying to add a template sensor, but i am unable to get it to work, or even create the entity/sensor inside home assistant.

via developer → template i have created a working template that pulls the correct information out of a sensor. (The sensor has the information in a single output, but i needed the coordinates to be seperate in Longitude/Latitude)

The only issue i have is where to put the actual template now, for it to actually work.

I have tried in 2 different ways that i found on seperate occasions.
But it is confusing the hell out of me.

trying to add this tho configuration.yaml

#this under the sensor: category
  - platform: template
        entity_id sensor.geocode_kim
      state: "{{ states('sensor.iphone_geocoded_location') }}"
      attributes: >-
        {% set details = state_attr('sensor.iphone_geocoded_location', 'Location') %}
        latitude: "{{ details[:1] }}"
        longitude: "{{ details[1:] }}"

#this at the bottom. This specific one gives zero errors on loading the configuration, but it doesnt create the sensor neither.

  - sensor:
    - name: geocodekim
      state: "{{ states('sensor.iphone_geocoded_location') }}"
      attributes: >
        {% set details = state_attr('sensor.iphone_geocoded_location', 'Location') %}
        latitude: "{{ details[:1] }}"
        longitude: "{{ details[1:] }}"

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  - sensor:
    - name: geocodekim
      state: "{{ states('sensor.iphone_geocoded_location') }}"
        latitude: "{{ state_attr('sensor.iphone_geocoded_location','Location')[0] }}"
        longitute: "{{ state_attr('sensor.iphone_geocoded_location','Location')[1] }}"

that did it, thanks!