Trying to call a script to play siren on Alexa when Alarmo alarm is triggered

I have configured Alarmo and wanted to play sound on my Alexa when the alarm is triggered.
So i create a script which play a sound on Alexa while the alarm is triggered. However, i am unable to make it work.

The script is:

alias: PlayAlarmSoundEcho
  - repeat:
        - service: media_player.play_media
            entity_id: media_player.echo
            media_content_id: air_horn_03
            media_content_type: sound
          metadata: {}
        - delay:
            hours: 0
            minutes: 0
            seconds: 3
            milliseconds: 0
        - condition: device
          device_id: 7b0cb66e53326b5df8f9ffd61909a731
          domain: alarm_control_panel
          entity_id: c6a56932e4c6994ac2b4675a509b3643
          type: is_triggered
mode: single

and then i invoked the script in Alarmo in the Actions tab, when an alarm is triggered

- service: script.playalarmsoundecho
  entity_id: script.playalarmsoundecho
  data: {}

However, when i test this even though the "Is triggered’ evaluates to True, there’s no sound.

Does the script work if you run it independently, either manually or via another trigger, like a separate automation? Also, i don’t think you need to include ‘entity_id: script.playalarmsoundecho’ as your action yaml.

Thanks for responding.
I should have said this in the initial post - I don’t know YAML well yet , so I actually configured the logic in GUI. I can post those screenshot if that helps.

Yes - when I test the condition after triggering the alarm - it evaluates to true.
Also when I just test the play sound part of the script - sometimes is works , sometimes it doesn’t.

I also tried it in a different automation - but doesn’t work.

This is the YAML for what I configured into the Action tab in Alarmo

Is it possible Aexa Media player to not support browsing media?
Just because i have the same ‘‘issue’’

I think the problem is when playing a sound on a loop. It plays well if I play the sound just one time.