i have an M5Stack Stamp-C3
and my compiler linux machine is an old macbook with a core2duo cpu
1st problem, prohibits compiling:
INFO Reading configuration vind-3.yaml…
INFO Generating C++ source…
INFO Compiling app…
Processing vind3 (board: esp32-c3-devkitm-1; framework: espidf; platform: espressif32 @ 3.3.2)
Tool Manager: Installing platformio/toolchain-riscv-esp @ ~1.80400.0
Error: Could not find the package with ‘platformio/toolchain-riscv-esp @ ~1.80400.0’ requirements for your system ‘linux_i686’
should i try a raspberry pi?
2nd problem,
only “esp32-c3-devkitm-1” is in that platformio-list
sda: 5
This pin cannot be used on ESP32s and is already used by the flash interface (function: Flash Clock).
scl: 6 [source vind-3.yaml:62]
the stamp-c3 has GPIO exposed 0-10,18-21 so they should be free to use
do i need to wait on platformio to support my board ?
the linked page above shows also has the schematic for the stamp-c3, so i know which pins are used how. so could a definition be “forged” without platformio ?
of course this is theoretical, since my esphome-builder cannot compile
i dont compile esphome via home-assistant.
at first, i just “git clone esphome”; and HA is not involved in the compiling process at all.
then i switched to docker for running esphome
Indeed. Maybe easiest could be to try on a amd64 machine if you have one available. Changes are a bit higher that platformio has all bits and bytes you need for that platform.