Trying to create a sensor for Tautulli total bandwidth

I have a tautuli sensor in home-assistant that looks like the following, i tried this and it didn’t work, any ideas?


Top Movie: Beauty and the Beast Top TV Show: The Big Bang Theory Top User: davidbeiler stream_count: 0 total_bandwidth: 0 stream_count_transcode: 0 wan_bandwidth: 0 stream_count_direct_play: 0 lan_bandwidth: 0 stream_count_direct_stream: 0 davidbeiler: { “Activity”: null, “stream_count”: “”, “stream_count_transcode”: “”, “stream_count_direct_play”: “”, “stream_count_direct_stream”: “”, “total_bandwidth”: “” }

i want to turn total_bandwidth into a sensor node, but this didn’t work

i put this in my sensors.yaml file and am getting an error with the check config

`- platform: template`
`friendly_name: "tautull bandwidth"`
`entity_id: sensor.tautulli`
`value_template: "{{ states.sensor.tautulli.attributes.total_bandwidth }}"`

error at line 53 Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: mapping values are not allowed here in “/config/sensors.yaml”, line 50, column 23

which is this: value_template: “{{ states.sensor.tautulli.attributes.total_bandwidth }}”

I got the idea from

this is what i have in sensor.yaml file, sad part is, is that only 1 sensor shows up in /states

- platform: tautulli
  api_key: 98454f0fe4574de29bd92122a4af83fb
  verify_ssl: false
    - stream_count
    - stream_count_transcode
    - stream_count_direct_play
    - stream_count_direct_stream
    - total_bandwidth