Trying to figure out a timetable reminder card

Hi all
I’m trying to figure out how to make a card and some reminder automations for my son’s school timetable. He keeps forgetting what he has and ends up being a rush to sort in the mornings. I thought about just smacking him over the head like my dad did to me but then thought I’ll use HA instead.
I was thinking a helper but not sure what can store multiple days of different classes (rolling 2 week schedule of 5 different classes a day, so would be a 10 by 5 matrix). The only way I could think was to manually code some automations to reference a 10 day counter and output the list on each specific day. But that just seems very manual and I’m sure there is a better way of doing that.
Any ideas?

You might be better off creating a local calendar. Then you can just input each of his classes and have them scheduled on a 2 week repeat. Thee are a bunch of calendar cards that will let you either spit out the entire two weeks or just the next day. I’ve used atomic calendar from HACS a fair bit, but also been using this, which has a really nice week view GitHub - FamousWolf/week-planner-card: Custom Home Assistant card displaying a responsive overview or multiple days with events from one of multiple calendars

You could probably also put the next days events in a notification, assuming you’re running the ha app.


Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll look into it.