Trying to fix "Grow File System on /mnt/data" issue

I noticed that my HA GUI wasn’t rendering on my phone, so I decided to sit down and look at the Windows machine where I host (via VirtualBox) my HA instance. First time I’ve looked at it in 6 months.

Noticed that on boot, I was getting the failure mentioned in the subject of this post, which put me into emergency mode.

I then found a post on these forums which pointed back to this Github issue which explains that I should run the following commands:

Press <enter> when the system stops during boot
systemctl stop systemd-journald
umount -A /dev/disk/by-label/hassos-data
fsck.ext4 /dev/disk/by-label/hassos-data
Keep pressing <enter> through all the prompts

Here’s where it gets crazy. When I press <enter> it takes me to the prompt. But when I type a command, I see every keystroke just fine, but when I try to submit the command, the guest OS only sees some subset of the characters. For instance, I type the following command:

~ # umount -A /dev/disk/by-label/hassos-data

the response I get is:

umount: e/i/y-ae/assd: no mount point specified

Notice how that is my command only missing a bunch of letters.

But now, if all I do is hit <enter> at the next blank prompt, I get:

[1]+  Done(2)                        A/dvdskblblhso-ata

And if you look closely you’ll see that those are all the missing letters from the first response!

I’ve never seen anything like this! And of course I can’t fix my HA to auto-start on a reboot. As long as I’m here to press Ctrl+D my HA starts fine, but not being able to rely on it to automatically start on a windows reboot is a big problem.

Any ideas what’s going on with these keystrokes? FWIW I tried using the built-in “soft” keyboard in VirtualBox and had the exact same behavior.