Trying to flash Nexx NXG-200

I have a Nexx garage NXG-200 (not the NXG-100 that looks like a sonoff) Due to their lack of security and zero ability to connect to Home assistant, I’m trying to flash it for use in home assistant but cannot seem to get it to communicate. I’m open to get it working with Tasmota or ESPhome or opengarage, not picky. In the included pics, I have the UART flasher I’m using, the wiring, the ESP32 chip in the Nexx (ESP32-D0WDQ6) and a full view of the board. I have flashed other things without much trouble but this doesnt want to connect. There isnt any info on flashing this version at all. Any help would be appreciated. TIA

I doubt FT232 is capable of powering Esp32 reliably. You could power it separately and disconnect the 3.3V wire between Esp32 and FT232.

From datasheet:
3.3V output from integrated L.D.O. regulator. This pin should be decoupled to ground using a 100nF capacitor. The prime purpose of this pin is to provide the internal 3.3V supply to the USB transceiver cell and the internal 1.5k[ch937] pull up resistor on USBDP. Up to 50mA can be drawn from this pin to power external logic if required. This pin can also be used to supply the FT232R’s VCCIO pin.

I’ve tried powering the NXG from its USB too.
i can get it to do all sorts of different things but i cant get it to communicate.